The Internet of Things

Learning Goals

Goals for this week's lab:

  • Be aware of the challenges in IoT regarding safety, security, privacy and the dilemma of electronic waste.
  • Starting to program an IoT device
  • Get familiar with using a simple API (interface)
  • Create a simple program on a device


Go through the following preparation material before we meet in class:


In the lab, go through the following activities with your team:

Avsluttende refleksjon

Etter hver uke skal du gå gjennom en kort individuell refleksjon rund det du har lært i uken. Du skal tenke på én ting du har lært best, og én ting som var vanskelig. Dette hjelper ikke bare deg selv, men gir oss også verdifull innsikt. Fyll ut skjema for denne uken her:

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Optional Homework

Train with these tutorials also on your own. This is a fun way to learn more programming concepts.

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